Quantity Limits

issue date: 2025-1-17

Watch the video tutorial here

(Please check the video for details.)

Maximum and Minimum Quantity

You can set the maximum and minimum quantity for a single order.
You can also set only the maximum quantity or only the minimum quantity.

Lot Quantity

You can set it so that orders are placed in "x units" per order.

Installation on Online Store

For installation instructions on the online store, refer to How to Use "CC Order Rule".
You can control the quantity increment and decrement buttons.
By default, it will automatically search, but some themes may require you to specify the element from the "quantity input field element."

Message Settings

Message settings can be freely configured with messages that apply to all rules from "Common Message Settings" and messages for each rule.
Please refer to Messeage Settings.

How to set
Order Limits
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